Take The Lid Off

Jody N Holland
2 min readAug 24, 2022
Server lifting a lid off of a tray

I was talking about John Maxwell’s “Law of the lid” this morning on my radio show and was reminded of how many times we place limitations on our own success. We tend to tie ourselves to a limited concept of self which keeps us stuck and struggling. We tend to look for someone to save us or someone to blame when we are placing a lid on our potential.

Maxwell told the story of Dick and Maurice McDonald that started McDonalds in the late 1930s. Over the years, I have heard people say that Ray Kroc cheated the brothers out of their successful business, but that isn’t how the story really went. The brothers were really good at speedy service. In fact, they were the best in that area of California. Because of the speedy service system, they were making roughly $50,000 each off of two restaurants.

They decided to franchise their restaurant but were unsuccessful multiple times at getting others to replicate their success. The problem wasn’t the restaurant. The problem was the brothers and their ability to develop themselves in a way that would make them both leaders and educators of other entrepreneurs. Ray Kroc studied the brothers, their systems, the restaurant management, the speedy service system, and everything about their success. He invested in his own ability to replicate what they had done. Then, he replicated it multiple times to kept raising the lid on his potential.

Ray eventually offered to buy the exclusive rights to franchise the restaurant worldwide, which the brothers sold to him. Ray became wildly successful because he took the years required to raise the lid on his own potential, positioning him to raise the lid on the potential of the franchisees he sold to. We each have the same opportunity to invest in ourselves and raise our potential. The question is, will we choose to give that effort in exchange for raising the lid on our own potential?

Jody Holland
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Jody N Holland

Family, Focus, and Future… I love to write, speak, train, and coach on leadership and personal growth. Author of 23 books and keynote speaker 350+ times.